General Guide to Van Don Island

General Guide to Van Don Island

Van Don Island is also known as Cam Pha, this is the largest and most developed island in the archipelago. Can rong is the main town on the Island which is about 30KM in length and 15 KM across at the widest point.

Where to stay in Van Don Island?

When in Van Don Island, there are few options for you to stay overnight, try to go at the center of the Island and in and around the market, but my suggestion is to stay near Cai Rong Pier on the south eastern edge of the town. booking accommodation is a worry-free way as this tiny Island doesn't have much more options to stay, check the Vietnam Package Tours and book the accommodations with discount

Getting there to Van Don Island with Bus and ferry

Cai Rong Pier also pronounced Cai Rong Pha is about 8km north of the bridge to the mainland, is the key port for boats to other Bai Tu Long islands. It’s a bustling port, full of karaoke bars and motorbikes, but there are decent hotels if you’re forced to overnight before catching a morning ferry.

Frequent buses run between Hon Gai (Halong bay) and Cua Ong bus station, 1 KM from the Pier, also, a few otherbuses run directly between Hon Gai and Van Don. cai rong pier

If you didn’t take a direct bus, you can pay 30.000 to 40.000 VND for a XE OM driver ( a motorbike driver) to take you the 7KM between the pier and the town.

The cai Rong pier is just on the edge of Cai Rong town and this is where you catch boats to the outlying islands. You could also charter a boat from here to Hon Gai or Bai Chay for 20$ per hour ( the one way journey takes around 5 hours).

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Vietnã visto para brasileiro

Os cidadãos do Brasil e os que vivem neste país tem duas opções para aplicar para o visto do Vietnã.

1. Aplique para o Vietnã visto na chegada a um custo menor com VisaVietnam.Pro

Vietnã visto na chegada é muitas vezes preferido para sua conveniência, especialmente por aqueles que vivem longe do Vietnã Embaixadas e não deseja enviar seus passaportes de distância através de post. Inscreva-se agora Visa to Vietnam

Como aplicar para Vias para o Vietnã?

Você primeiro visite nosso VisaVietnam.Pro e depois preencher o formulário seguro de pedido de visto Vietnã, então você vai obter sua carta de aprovação de vistos via e-mail no prazo de 2 dias úteis (serviço normal) ou um dia de trabalho (serviço de urgência) após o pagamento de taxa de serviço. Leve esta carta, a entrada em anexo ea forma de saída, o seu passaporte, 01 foto e alguns dólares como carimbar taxa para embarcar no seu voo, você vai ter o seu visto Vietnã carimbado no aeroporto de chegada no Vietnã. Para mais informações sobre Vietnã visto na chegada, por favor, visite nosso formulário de pedido de visto do Vietnã.

2. Embaixada do Vietnã em Brasília, Brasil

Endereço: SHIS QI 09 Conj. 10 Casa 1 Lago Sul CEP: 71,615-070 Brasília / DF
Telefone: 55 61 33645876
Fax: (5561) 364 5836

Visa Vietnã gratuito para brasileiro?

os candidatos podem obter o benefício de isenção de visto para o Vietnã, se tomar qualquer passeios mais longos do que quatro dias, por favor clique para rever Vietnam Package Tours

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مطلوبة الأردني نفسه لأن معظم المواطنين في الشرق الأوسط على تأشيرة لفيتنام. يمكن للأشخاص التقدم بطلب للحصول فيتنام السياحية أو الغرض رجال الأعمال للقدوم الى فيتنام
تم إصدار تأشيرة سياحية فيتنام للزوار الذين يرغبون في السفر إلى فيتنام لمشاهدة معالم المدينة، وزيارة الأهل والأصدقاء. تم تصميم تأشيرة عمل لأغراض العمل والأعمال

ويتم إصدار التأشيرات السياحية والتجارية فيتنام من قبل إدارة الهجرة فيتنام. ويسمى أيضا فيتنام تأشيرة عبر الإنترنت أو فيتنام تأشيرة لدى وصوله. يمكن أن طالبي التأشيرات التقدم بطلب للحصول على تأشيرات فيتنام على الانترنت والحصول على خطاب الموافقة عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني

تطبيق فيتنام فيزا على الانترنت، يرجى تزويدنا ببعض الوثائق التالية

نسخة من جواز السفر
حجز الفندق لمدة لا تقل عن 3 ليال
حجز تذكرة الطيران

ما هي الوثائق المطلوبة لتقديم طلب للحصول على تأشيرة دخول إلى فيتنام

عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
أدوات الدفع عبر الإنترنت (على سبيل المثال: بطاقات الائتمان مثل فيزا أو ماستر كارد وباي بال) لدفع رسوم الخدمات لدينا. يمكنك جعل الدفع عن طريق ويسترن يونيون
يجب أن يكون جواز السفر ساري المفعول لمدة 6 أشهر على الأقل
2 ما لا يقل عن صفحة فارغة على جواز سفر
2 جواز سفر حجم الصور (تكون جاهزة الاستسلام في المطار)
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية نقدية لدفع ثمن رسوم التأشيرة في المطار

فيتنام تأشيرة لدى وصوله متاح فقط للسفر في الهواء فقط. إذا كنت ترغب في زيارة فيتنام برا وبحرا ... يجب تطبيق فيتنام فيزا في أقرب سفارة فيتنام. في الوقت الحاضر، ليس هناك سفارة فيتنام في الأردن ... وهكذا، لتطبيق فيزا فيتنام في فيتنام السفارة يجب تطبيق فيتنام فيزا في بعض دول الجوار. أكثر شيء واحد، يرجى تلاحظ أن تأشيرة لدى وصوله يحتاج فقط 1 إلى 2 أيام للتجهيز لكن التأشيرة في السفارة فيتنام يحتاج من 5 إلى 7 أيام عمل لمعالجة

فيتنام الجولات ومشاهدة معالم المدينة

 Vietnam Package Tours لمزيد من المعلومات حول حجز الجولات السياحية والفنادق وتفاصيل ما للزيارة في فيتنام الرجاء الضغط هنا

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Is Vietnam really flavor of Month?

Gem of the South east Asia and a country with countless attractions, Vietnam, is a country that has something special for each taste and this surely made Vietnam a place to visit, as soon as you applied for a Visa to Vietnam then you will find this question in mind that Where Should i visit, Or how should i start my trip. 

How popular is Vietnam?

Imagine to experience its rich cultural heritage, meeting different people and eating different foods in each city you visit. here in this blog i want to tell you how popular is Vietnam at a glance, think of its vary Climate, warm and friendly folks, amazing festivals, overwhelming vietnam tourist sights serene beaches and its food cultures.

Seasoning in Vietnam

Vietnam has different climate from region to region and from time to time, its a bit difficult to tell when is the best season to visit Vietnam, some tourist choose the summer season for a perfect visit while some others choose to visit Vietnam in Autumn, Vietnam doesn't have really a big winter but Hanoi and North Vietnam can experience a mild and light cold weather starting from mid November to late January.
If you are on a tight budget, then search for a reliable Vietnam Package Tours for a perfectly designed trip plan as this can save your budget, time and offers you a well planned destinations to visit.

Regardless of the seasons in Vietnam, here is a awesome place to spend your holiday with your family, you can enjoy your time in Vietnam for sure, some sizzling resort and tourist facilities are only provided by tour agencies, tour prices for cruise are definitely reasonable and this is the only choice to explore the high end tourist activity when in Vietnam.

In addition, Vietnam attracts tourists from all around the world, due to its beautiful landscape and attractions while This country entices you with its beautiful flavors and taste of its seasonal fruits and colors. 

One can enjoy wonders of these amazing Halong bay, experience mighty Mekong river delta and or feel the ancient times in Hue and Hoi an as it once was, oh beaches, it might not be as famous as world wide beaches but Vietnam has its own 1800 Kilometers coastal line stretched from South to North, if you want to experience all above wonders try to choose the one with experience such as Vietnamese Package Tours

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تاشیره سياحية فیتنامیه من عمان، مسقط

تاشیره سياحية فیتنامیه من عمان، مسقط

من عمان، مسقط، قد يتم تطبيق آخر لفيتنام تأشيرة لدى وصوله في غضون بضع ساعات عن طريق تقديم استمارة على الانترنت من خلال موقع بسيط كما www.VisaVietnam.Pro أيضا، من عمان، كل طالب قادرون على الرجوع إلى السفارة الفيتنامية في مسقط وتطبيق في 
السفارة والحصول على مقابل عين في 5 - 3 أيام عمل
اللباس التقليدي للسيدة الفيتنامية

فيتنام فيزا في وصول (الفيزا في المطارات فيتنام) هو مفيد خاصة لأولئك الذين يعيشون بعيدا عن السفارة الفيتنامية، أو أولئك الذين لا يريدون للإرسال جوازات سفرهم إلى السفارة، أو شخص الذين تعبوا من السفر لمسافة طويلة من وقت لآخر ثم الانتظار لساعات لتقديم الوثائق في قنصلية أو السفارات  فيتنام

المزايا الأخرى لفيتنام تأشيرة لدى وصوله هي أنها أسرع وتجهيز وتوفير التكاليف وطرق الدفع أكثر كفاءة. ومع ذلك، فيتنام تأشيرة لدى وصوله قابلة للتطبيق إذا كنت السفر إلى فيتنام عن طريق الجو
سابا، مدينة سياحية شمال فيتنام

تطبيق على الانترنت للحصول على تأشيرة فيتنام على وصول

من أجل التقدم بطلب للحصول على تأشيرة دخول لدى وصولهم، ويطلب منك إكمال 3 خطوات بسيطة على النحو التالي

أولا، في ملء استمارة الطلب على الانترنت وتقديم خدمة الدفع لرسوم المعالجة

ثانيا، الحصول على خطاب موافقة تأشيرة تسليمها عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني في غضون 2 ساعة (خدمات الطوارئ) أو 2 أيام عمل (خدمة عادية

ثالثا، تقديم جواز السفر الأصلي، ونسخة من كتاب الموافقة (في نسخة ورقية)، 2 صورة (في حجم جواز السفر) ودفع رسوم ختم لأتعلق التأشيرة على جواز السفر في مطار الوصول
من أجل التقدم بطلب للحصول على تأشيرة دخول لدى وصولهم، ويطلب منك إكمال 3 خطوات بسيطة على النحو التالي

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Travel to Vietnam with your Family?

Travel to Vietnam with Family and Kids?

Family Vietnam Tours are the ideal way to have that long awaited family experience! a trip to Vietnam as a family and get the most out of your trip with this Vietnam Family Guide, check some of the most interested Vietnam Package Tours , Oh, and before i forget, you will need to arrange your Visa beforehand, click to see the cheapest Visa to Vietnam

Find out where to visit with your family when in Vietnam

Cruise trip in Halong Bay: Mother of nature and recognized as a natural heritage site by UNESCO, Halong bay cant be miss and it is a favorite and very much interested natural beauty that is comes by Vietnamese traditional cruises on the bay. The cruise Tours typically come in a day tours, 2 or 3 days tours and touring in Halong bay is an excellent way to see, feel and experience a real beauty of Vietnam.
Family Trip in Halong bay

Hanoi City, a charming capital of Vietnam

Your family and specially your kids loves Hanoi, you will experience capital of Vietnam first hand by visiting Hanoi, meeting locals, shopping in Hanoi Old quarter walking around the attractive Hoan Kiem lake and so much more.

Hue, An Ancient Capital of Vietnam

World wide tourist loves Hue, a city filled with remarkable history and unique culture. If together with your family decides to Visit Hue, Vietnam, makes sure to visit the ancient Citadel since it is one of the must places to visit not only in Hue but Vietnam.
Hue Ancient Citadel

Mekong Delta region in South Vietnam

Mekong Delta, the uniquely southern charm of Vietnam with its welcoming introduction to life along the Mekong River is the real draw, It's a perfect destination to be visited with your family, sample fruits traded in the colorful floating markets of cai be or dine on home-cooked delicacies before overnight as a home-stay. There are also bird sanctions, rustic beaches getaways like Hon Chong and impressive Khmer pagodas in the regions around Soc Trang and Tra Vinh.

Vinh Long, Mekong Delta

Ho Chi Minh City, New York of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is a place that is included in any visit. one might not going to visit Hanoi, but Ho Chi Minh City and this is a definitely a part of any Vietnam Tours as well and When it comes to all the cities in Vietnam then Ho Chi Minh City is regarded as New York of Vietnam.  there are parks, zoo and many markets to be visited when in Ho Chi Minh City
Motor bike traffic jam in Ho Chi Minh City

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5 hidden gems tourists shouldn't miss in Central Vietnam

Vietnam is a hidden charm and one of the must see destinations in Asia, no matter if you are taking a Vietnam Package Tours or traveling on your own but i suggest you to Not To Miss these 5 gems while in Central Vietnam, these 5 tourist gems in central Vietnam will definitely worth to visit, so plan them accordingly.

fast visa service

# 1 Minh Thanh Temple in Pleiku Town

Pleiku is a town with 40.000 people in an area inhabited by Jarai and Ede Minorities, The Minh Thanh Temple is a real place of temple atmosphere, and you will be the only foreign tourist in there, so, this is my number one Tourist gem in my list.
Minh Thanh Temple pagoda in Pleiku Town

# 2 Sa Huynh Beach

Sa Hunyh is the first point where south meet north, within a stone's throw of the water and nice crystal water, Sa Huynh is right smack on the train line, Sa Huynh does not serve as a spot on any  train route, not even the local trains. There's no bus station too, but obviously, any north-south bus can be coaxed to drop you off or pick you up along the main road.

sa huynh train route

# 3 Vinh Moc Tunnel

Another version of Chu Chi tunnels ourside of Ho Chi Minh City, which were built to infiltrate enemy lines, the Vinh Moc tunnels were built to house 90 families whose peaceful fishing village was destroyed by B52 bombings.

Vinh Moc Tunnel

# 4 The Sapon river at Lao Bao

The Sepon River is a small river at Lao Bao border area, It forms a border between Vietnam and Laos. One side of the river belongs to Vietnam and other belongs to Laos. 

The Sepon River is 1 m deep and approximately 100 m wide. The water is very fresh and clean in the summer because it is not located near any industrial center. Surrounding the Sepon River is a lot of jungle with tall, large trees.

The Sapon river at Lao Bao

# 5 Marble Mountains in Danang

Driving 9km south of Danang city center on the famous beachfront boulevard Truong Sa, travelers can find one of the most popular attractions of the region that is somehow less visited, the Marble mountains. It is a group of five marble and limestone mountains, named after the five elements of the ancient oriental philosophy: metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

Marble Mountains in Danang

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Vietnam Visa on Arrival for Nepalese Citizens

Citizens of Nepal are required to obtain a visa to visit Vietnam. Unfortunately, not many Visa agencies Vietnam offer Vietnam Visa on arrival  for citizens of Nepal, we at Tonkin Visa Agency are able to help you to apply for a Vietnam Visa without referal to any embassy, Nepalese have to follow up the steps below in oorder to apply for a Visa to Vietnam. 

How to obtain a Visa on Arrival from Nepal?

There are a few simple steps to which should be done to apply for a Visa to Vietnam , here we go:

  1. Browse through VisaVietnam.Pro 
  2. Fill out the application form as it shown on your passport
  3. Prove at least 3 night hotel booking
  4. Scan the return reservation for your air ticket
  5. Submit the Visa Services fee as 125 US$
  6. Receive the Visa approval letters in 4 - 6 working days
  7. Flight to Vietnam and get the Visa stamped into your passport upon arrival
Vietnam visa on arrival for nepalese citizens

Airports to fly and pick up the Visa on Arrival

  1. Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Saigon ( South)
  2. Danang International Airport (Center)
  3. Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi ( North)
Tonkin Visa Agency is a leading Visa and Travel Agency based in Hanoi, Vietnam. we are providing Visa services for citizens of certain country like Nepal. For more information, please contct us:

Address: 18 Yen Ninh Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Office Tell: +84 4 3927 5668
Fax: +84 4 39275658
Hot line: +84 917 989865

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Is Hanoi safe for tourists?

Oh Vietnam, a country that receive a lot of tourist's every day, say you got your Visa to Vietnam  and now you landed in Hanoi, a city that is perhaps the most graceful, atmospheric and exotic capital city in South east of Asia. Its appeal is instant, with sweeping boulevards, tree-fringed lakes, ancient pagodas and a relatively compact historic center that’s best explored on foot. the question is that " Is Hanoi Safe for Tourists " Hanoi, is relatively safe city to be, but being aware of some typical hazards will increase the likelihood of you having a worry-free stay.
is hanoi safe for tourists

Is Hanoi safe for tourists?

Theft is not be a big matter in Hanoi, but bear in mind that the average Vietnamese salary is around 150 to 250 $  per month but many Vietnamese still earn far less than that, even in cities like Hanoi. This might make your shiny expensive mobile Phone, your money and or camera something interesting to force them being stolen, so it is good to take basic precautions to avoid being a good target for thieves.

Don’t carry too much cash:

Again, im saying that Hanoi is a pretty safe city in General, these are only tips that can avoid you to being in target, so, here we go, Use your ATM card to withdrawals the daily travel expenses, or if you have too much cash it is better to keep them in a safety box at your hotel. Keep your passport also somewhere else along with your cash like in a  zipped up bag which is over your shoulder so it’s not that easy to rip off. backpacks are okay if you’re on the move, but can be sliced open when on public transport or standing in a crowd, so, if you have a backpack make sure to lock the zip.

Be more careful specially at night when the streets are more quiet and it’s easier for thieves to cut and disappear as fast as taking a breath, I dont say to not to go out and or do not drink alcohol but if you’re going out at night and want to drink  then do not take the valuable things with yourself and try to go out with other friends or guys you met in your hotel, or your best bet is to go out with your Local Vietnamese friends.

Violent N Crime against the single Females in Hanoi

Violent crime is not something like what you hear from streets in Caracas, Venezuela, O God never ever, But i have heard sometimes that single women's and specially expats being followed home and even physically attacked in some cases. Avoid wandering at the streets at night, especially when you are alone. I have also heard of taxi passengers being threatened when they refuse to pay inflated fares or when they comment that the Taxi meter’s running too fast. 

Traffic Jams in Hanoi

The main things that any new comer, or even those staying here for long time that should be aware of in Hanoi is the roads and the traffic jams, or anywhere else traffic chooses to drive, Whether walking or driving on your own Xe may ( motor-bike), Hanoi’s roads are bumpy and can be very dangerous. It may seem like everything is moving effortlessly in a flow but accidents do happen especially outside slow moving Old Quarter. 

Don’t trust red lights, pedestrian crossings or one-way streets: motorbikes and even cars and more even Taxi drivers regularly ignore traffic signals in an effort to shave a few minutes off their way. This includes driving on pavements as well.
Hanoi bumpy traffic roads

Advises for health check

Hanoi has seen a few reports of diseases recently: Japanese encephalitis and measles have caused deaths among Vietnamese, particularly children. Dengue is also a risk, as is rabies. None of these are at epidemic levels but make sure you’re inoculated and use mosquito repellant when you walk in streets.

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